How do you create an effective page on a website, get more clicks, and lower the bounce rate? How to attract visitors to your website and improve the conversion rate? How to best write a blog post? Which keyword strategy to choose? How should you write your meta tags for efficient natural referencing? The answers of our SEO consultants.
If you want search engines to show your article on the first page of Google, you need to follow the basic rules of SEO content writing. From title to call-to-action button, you need to implement a quality-oriented approach.
Writing the content on a website may seem easy, but not if you study this job more deeply. Writing requires many skills and deep knowledge of the subject. Simple copywriting is not enough; you must make the web page attractive, dynamic, and interesting for readers and search engines. Follow our advice and improve your SEO ranking and the conversion rate of your landing pages.
Start your Article with a Catchy Title
The title is crucial when writing a blog post. When the title is catchy, the article will generate more clicks. Your title should contain the main keywords that users enter when searching on Google. The more your headline matches user expectations, the more relevant Google will find the article and show it higher in the SERPs.
It needs to be clear and punchy if you want people to click on your headline. By reading the title, Internet users should understand the article. It should present the subject but not say everything.
The title must respect certain technical rules. It must be encoded in the HTML h1 tag. In most content management systems, you need to fill in the title field at the top of the page, which will be automatically encoded in the h1 tag. Please note that you cannot use more than one h1 title per page.
Optimize the First Paragraph for SEO
The first paragraph, which comes at the top of the page right after the title, is crucial to the success of your article. It should make users want to read the rest of the page.
The first paragraph should therefore summarize the content of the article. Its main purpose is to explain what it is and how it is helpful for the reader.
If you have something important to say, say it in the first paragraph. Don’t wait until the end. Try to use different keywords than the title. Find synonyms and verbs from the same semantic group as your target keyword in the title. You can display it in a larger font to make it more user-friendly and attractive.
Use Proper Header Structure
Google loves well-structured pages. This means that it should be divided into small paragraphs and include subheadings of different levels. This structure is “SEO-friendly.” This will make your pages more readable by search engine spiders.
In the subtitles, use your secondary keywords and their synonyms. Those that are less used in search engine queries but have good Google SEO potential.
An SEO-optimized article structure should contain progressively coded captions from H2 to H6. After the H1 heading, the first subheading must be an H2. The next one, which is less important for content, must be an H3. Between two H2s, you can insert two H3s, but not an H3 or an H5, for example. Gradually you move to H6.
Read more about How to Optimize all Headings
Produce Enough SEO Content
Your page content should be long enough to appeal to Google and other search engines. Page texts on many websites are often too short. Google’s minimum quality algorithm is around 300 words per page or the equivalent of 1,500 characters (including spaces).
But if you want to rank high in search results on Google and improve your website’s SEO, your article should be more than 1,000 words. Such a page is more likely to be displayed on the first page of Google.
Check out Advantages of Google SEO For Your Business
Aim for Detailed SEO Article on a Specific Top
The search engine will find that deep content is more interesting than short content on the same topic. Readers generally have the same opinion. So the deeper you write, the better it is for your Google SEO!
However, remember that you are not writing for robots but for humans. Your content must be justified. Tell a story, find interesting details, and break it neatly into sections with clear, informative captions.
Make An Inverted Pyramid Structure
We advise you to use the so-called “inverted pyramid” text structure. This technique consists of placing the most important and general information at the very beginning of the article and adding more specific details at the end.
This structure makes sense because not all users scroll the page to the end. The further down the page, the harder it is to keep readers on the web page. The hottest areas are located at the top of the page, and the coldest areas remain at the bottom.
Efficient Text Formatting
Formatting your content is very important, not only for readers but also to rank higher on Google. Search engines love lists and paragraphs. Readers too. This provides a better presentation of your article. Another tip is to use images and graphics. It makes the webpage more attractive and creates more space.
Enrich your Text with Quality Images
To make your web page more attractive, add good-quality images to enhance your story. The images you use should be beautiful and of good quality to attract users. And, of course, they should match the subject of the article.
In technical terms, the image must have a minimum width of 800 pixels. So it looks incredible and attractive when people share the article on social networks. Facebook even recommends embedding 1200-pixel images. The image should be optimized and as clear as possible. Ideally, less than 100 KB, so it displays quickly and doesn’t slow down your page loading speed. This is an important factor for SEO.
Fill in the ALT Tag well to Boost the SEO of your Images
Since Google can’t see images, it understands what the image represents through alt text. This is an important reason to fill in the ALT tag. Search engines index it. The ALT tag is a hidden SEO opportunity because you can use keywords there. But they must be justified.
Don’t overuse and avoid incorrect use of keywords when adding alt text. ALT text improves your SEO and shows users and bots what the image is about. So take an efficient approach: make a description of the image in the alternative text tag without stuffing it with keywords.
Another SEO tip is to name the image file correctly before uploading it to the website. Once the image is uploaded to your site, your CMS assigns a unique URL based on the file name. You will, therefore, no longer be able to change the file name unless you upload the image again. An ALT tag containing keywords and a correct file name will improve the visibility of your website images in search engines.
Write Effective Meta Tags
Meta tags (title and Meta description) allow you to boost the positioning of your page in Google search results. It is the first piece of information on your page seen by the user when they search for things on Google before coming to your website.
Therefore, these tags are the most important because they help you rank the key phrases users search for and prompt users to click. The quality of meta elements influences your click-through rate.
If you haven’t written these tags, the search engine will display a snippet of the page around the keyword used by the user in the search. But the automatic text is worse than correctly written page-by-page markup.
How Write Meta Title and Description Tags?
Their content should be unique, and each page should have a different title and meta description. Do not copy the same text in your tags for all your pages! This is a bad practice that Google can punish. Another SEO tip is the need to achieve consistency between your meta tags and page content.
The Title tag defines the name of the page. This is the first line that appears in search results on Google. It contains approximately 60 characters. It is recommended to write a title tag different from the H1 tag of the page.
The meta description tag consists of a few words that appear just below the title tag in search results. This text should be around 130 to 160 characters (Google won’t show more than that and cut it off at that number). This description should summarize the web page’s content to entice users to click.
Write the text of the meta description as if you were writing the text of an advertisement on Google. Follow the same rules of good writing because your natural link can appear just below sponsored links on Google.
Create Internal Links
Internal linking is the process of adding links in your article to other pages on your website. For example, you can link to another blog post, product, or contact page. You should offer users other options to continue browsing than just clicking on the main menu.
This internal linking encourages users to click on these links to retain them longer and introduce them to other content on your website. You will reduce the bounce rate and increase the session duration by providing users with additional interesting content on your website.
At the same time, you get a higher number of page views, which is also an important ranking factor. In other words, you can improve your leading indicators of Google Analytics.
Why Use Internal Links?
The second purpose of internal linking is to show search bots the structure of your website and its most useful content. The most linked pages of your professional site, the basic articles, will then be explored more frequently by Google.
Remember that Google gives more value to anchor text optimization (links placed inside the text). Ideally, text containing keywords explains the content of the page you are linking to. This practice will also improve the SEO of your website.
Integrate Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons
Use call-to-action buttons to increase your conversion rate. Always encourage users to take action on your website, such as buying a product, filling out a form, or exploring a service. If you want your page to convert, you must clearly explain what you expect from users!
These call-to-action buttons are usually located at top of the page, above the fold line, and bottom of the page. So you can grab the attention of users who have scrolled the page to the end. As button text, you can use Buy, Request a quote, Subscribe, Share on social networks, Explore, Get advice, and learn more.
SEO Advice from SEO Pros
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