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The meta description tag is one of the most popular in SEO. Although it is not directly taken into account to improve your SEO positioning, it can impact your visibility and boost your click-through rate. You would therefore be wrong to neglect it!

So how about gaining traffic to your pages by optimizing your meta description?

So let me give you some tips to work effectively on this beacon and get the most out of it!

What is the Meta Description Tag?

The meta description is an HTML tag at the top of the page code, generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of a particular page. It is usually located just below the SEO Title tag.

The meta description is represented in the source code by:

<meta name=”description” content=”Here is your description” />

In the SERPs (search results), it also appears under the URL and Title.

Meta description Tag Example

The latter can be placed wherever you want in the HTML header, as long as it is between the and tags.

The meta description is one of the most popular tags in SEO. In the past, its content was directly analyzed by search engine robots. It had a direct impact on your position in the search results.

Today, this functioning has evolved. The content of this tag is no longer considered in the ranking algorithms.

The purpose of the meta description is to offer a summary of the content of your pages to Internet users, to encourage them to click on the link and go to your page.

Must Read: Internal Links for SEO

A meta description must get right to the heart of the matter to be effective. It must be concise, descriptive, impactful, and unique for each page!

Meta Description and SEO

As you will have understood, the words used in your meta description are not considered by Google’s algorithms to improve your SEO.

However, writing your tag well can still have an impact on your visibility and your SEO. To better understand, here are some explanations.

No Direct Impact

It’s a widely proven fact: the meta description tag has no direct impact on SEO. Google states this directly on its official blog, as well as on all of its webmaster help pages:

google words about meta description

Google clearly states that the meta description can improve clicks but does not affect your ranking in search results.

For several years, developers have also looked into the subject:

  • In 2007, Raj Krishnan (developer for snippets at Google) asserted that “although meta description tags can improve the click rate, they do not affect the positioning of sites in search results.”
  • The same year, John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) also repeated that “using a meta description tag was optional and had no effect on your positioning.”
  • Two years later, in 2009, Matt Cutts (Head of Algo Spam Control at Google) added that even though Google sometimes used the meta description tag to generate the snippet, it still didn’t use it in its ranking algorithm.

There is, therefore, no doubt, and it is easily verifiable by tests: the presence of keywords in the meta description has no direct impact on Google visibility.

Indirect Impact?

But then, what is the point of tweaking its meta description in this case?

First, you will encourage users to click on your search result (CTR) by writing an attractive summary. Therefore, you will necessarily increase your traffic!

The click rate is potentially data taken into account by the Google algorithms.

A reasonable click-through rate sends a positive signal if the meta description does not affect rankings and search results! A good CTR means that your site is popular with Internet users. It is, therefore, potentially more relevant than others.

In this case, Google can consider this information, and the meta description still impacts your SEO!

Google Adapts your Meta Description

You have probably noticed that sometimes Google decides not to use the meta description you have entered. What a disappointment when you took such care in writing it!

This phenomenon is the result of the Google algorithm: the latter can assess whether your meta description is adapted to the request typed by Internet users. This is also specified in the Google article I shared with you, just slightly higher.

Sometimes Google thinks it’s better to create a snippet from phrases and excerpts from your site rather than displaying your meta description.

How to Optimize the Meta Description Tag?

Now that you know that the meta description is a strategic element of your site, let me give you some tips for writing it well and making it more effective.

Boost CTR

The main objective of your meta description is to attract as many Internet users as possible to your pages.

They must be curious to visit your site, and your meta description makes them want to click on your link. To do this, use an impactful and challenging style. In just two sentences, the Internet user must have the intimate conviction that he will find the answer to his request on your site.

To involve him directly in your speech, you can use formal formalities. Do not hesitate to include other marketing arguments in your meta description, such as “Free delivery,” “Satisfied or refunded guarantee,” etc.

These often have a strong impact on the click rate!

Present the Content of the Page

The description of your meta description should be the best possible summary of the content of your page.

More concretely, when the Internet user reads your description, he must understand the essence of what awaits him while arousing his curiosity. This means that your meta descriptions must all be unique.

Two pages on your site cannot have the same description. Forget generic texts and copy-paste!

Write Content Different from your Title

Your meta description should logically be different from your Title tag. Google will automatically create a snippet to replace it if it brings nothing more.

So please make an effort to reformulate your ideas while developing them more than in your Title. The meta description is an excellent solution to give the user more detailed explanations.

You can take the opportunity to work on your copywriting and try to create a compelling meta description.

Related Resource:

Analyze Click-through Rate with Search Console

Of course, like any element of your website, the effectiveness of your meta description must be checked and analyzed.

To do this, look at the search analysis report available in the Search Console tool. It gives valuable information about your site’s appearance on the Google results pages.

More concretely, this analysis allows you to analyze:

  • Impressions on the different pages of your site
  • Clicks on the different pages of your site
  • The average CTR of your different pages

By default, data is displayed for the last three months, but you can go back a maximum of 16 months. To analyze page by page, you need to click on “New” and filter “Page.”

Each time your site is shown in search results, it counts as an “impression.” Once a user clicks on your site’s link to view your page, this counts as a “click.”

By analyzing your performance, you can draw different conclusions about the content of your meta description or your Title tag.

Attention, these statistics must be the subject of a detailed analysis of the SERP. Your click rate may be low because Google displays ads, photos, or even local results before natural results.

Nevertheless, it is still essential to look at the statistics relating to your site’s performance in the results of Google searches.

This lets you know how often your site is displayed, its average position in the results, and your click rate. This valuable information allows you to follow the evolution of your traffic over time and determine your Internet users’ origin. This data is valuable for your business’s sustainability and your site’s growth.

The Perfect Size for the Meta Description

Now let’s see what size to choose for writing your meta description.

The Size in Characters

Again, the rules set by Google tend to change over time.

In the past, the idea was not to exceed 160 characters. However, in 2017, Google decided to increase the size of this description, bringing it to a maximum of 300 characters.

Finally, in May 2018, Google chose to go back. Now the maximum allowed size is around 155 characters.

Meta descriptions that are too long have no impact on SEO. However, they are not ideal for the browsing comfort of Internet users and the click-through rate.

On the other hand, also avoid meta descriptions that are too short. Generally, Google does not use them and automatically replaces them with snippets. I, therefore, advise you to write a meta description of at least 120 characters.

The Size in Pixels

Finally, be aware that, to achieve the perfect size with your meta description on Google, you have to rely on another indicator than the number of characters. As with the Title tag, the most reliable indicator is pixels.

Indeed, the characters do not occupy the same space! For example, a “w” occupies more pixels than an “i.” Similarly, capital letters also take up more space.

So avoid writing an all-caps meta description. You could not place as many characters as expected, which may be perceived as aggressive for the Internet user.

For your tag to reach an ideal size, avoid exceeding 920 pixels. I also invite you to use an online simulator to know precisely the pixels of your tag, like the one I present in the article on the Title tag


In conclusion, the meta description tag is a fascinating element to work on your site. Its display in the SERPs makes it particularly visible to Internet users.

Even if it no longer influences positioning, the indirect impact of the CTR and the traffic generated on your pages should encourage you to make it simple, straightforward, and attractive to encourage Internet users to click!

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Sharing is Caring

The meta description tag is one of the most popular in SEO. Although it is not directly taken into account to improve your SEO positioning, it can impact your visibility and boost your click-through rate. You would therefore be wrong to neglect it!

So how about gaining traffic to your pages by optimizing your meta description?

So let me give you some tips to work effectively on this beacon and get the most out of it!

What is the Meta Description Tag?

The meta description is an HTML tag at the top of the page code, generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of a particular page. It is usually located just below the SEO Title tag.

The meta description is represented in the source code by:

<meta name=”description” content=”Here is your description” />

In the SERPs (search results), it also appears under the URL and Title.

Meta description Tag Example

The latter can be placed wherever you want in the HTML header, as long as it is between the and tags.

The meta description is one of the most popular tags in SEO. In the past, its content was directly analyzed by search engine robots. It had a direct impact on your position in the search results.

Today, this functioning has evolved. The content of this tag is no longer considered in the ranking algorithms.

The purpose of the meta description is to offer a summary of the content of your pages to Internet users, to encourage them to click on the link and go to your page.

Must Read: Internal Links for SEO

A meta description must get right to the heart of the matter to be effective. It must be concise, descriptive, impactful, and unique for each page!

Meta Description and SEO

As you will have understood, the words used in your meta description are not considered by Google’s algorithms to improve your SEO.

However, writing your tag well can still have an impact on your visibility and your SEO. To better understand, here are some explanations.

No Direct Impact

It’s a widely proven fact: the meta description tag has no direct impact on SEO. Google states this directly on its official blog, as well as on all of its webmaster help pages:

google words about meta description

Google clearly states that the meta description can improve clicks but does not affect your ranking in search results.

For several years, developers have also looked into the subject:

  • In 2007, Raj Krishnan (developer for snippets at Google) asserted that “although meta description tags can improve the click rate, they do not affect the positioning of sites in search results.”
  • The same year, John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) also repeated that “using a meta description tag was optional and had no effect on your positioning.”
  • Two years later, in 2009, Matt Cutts (Head of Algo Spam Control at Google) added that even though Google sometimes used the meta description tag to generate the snippet, it still didn’t use it in its ranking algorithm.

There is, therefore, no doubt, and it is easily verifiable by tests: the presence of keywords in the meta description has no direct impact on Google visibility.

Indirect Impact?

But then, what is the point of tweaking its meta description in this case?

First, you will encourage users to click on your search result (CTR) by writing an attractive summary. Therefore, you will necessarily increase your traffic!

The click rate is potentially data taken into account by the Google algorithms.

A reasonable click-through rate sends a positive signal if the meta description does not affect rankings and search results! A good CTR means that your site is popular with Internet users. It is, therefore, potentially more relevant than others.

In this case, Google can consider this information, and the meta description still impacts your SEO!

Google Adapts your Meta Description

You have probably noticed that sometimes Google decides not to use the meta description you have entered. What a disappointment when you took such care in writing it!

This phenomenon is the result of the Google algorithm: the latter can assess whether your meta description is adapted to the request typed by Internet users. This is also specified in the Google article I shared with you, just slightly higher.

Sometimes Google thinks it’s better to create a snippet from phrases and excerpts from your site rather than displaying your meta description.

How to Optimize the Meta Description Tag?

Now that you know that the meta description is a strategic element of your site, let me give you some tips for writing it well and making it more effective.

Boost CTR

The main objective of your meta description is to attract as many Internet users as possible to your pages.

They must be curious to visit your site, and your meta description makes them want to click on your link. To do this, use an impactful and challenging style. In just two sentences, the Internet user must have the intimate conviction that he will find the answer to his request on your site.

To involve him directly in your speech, you can use formal formalities. Do not hesitate to include other marketing arguments in your meta description, such as “Free delivery,” “Satisfied or refunded guarantee,” etc.

These often have a strong impact on the click rate!

Present the Content of the Page

The description of your meta description should be the best possible summary of the content of your page.

More concretely, when the Internet user reads your description, he must understand the essence of what awaits him while arousing his curiosity. This means that your meta descriptions must all be unique.

Two pages on your site cannot have the same description. Forget generic texts and copy-paste!

Write Content Different from your Title

Your meta description should logically be different from your Title tag. Google will automatically create a snippet to replace it if it brings nothing more.

So please make an effort to reformulate your ideas while developing them more than in your Title. The meta description is an excellent solution to give the user more detailed explanations.

You can take the opportunity to work on your copywriting and try to create a compelling meta description.

Related Resource:

Analyze Click-through Rate with Search Console

Of course, like any element of your website, the effectiveness of your meta description must be checked and analyzed.

To do this, look at the search analysis report available in the Search Console tool. It gives valuable information about your site’s appearance on the Google results pages.

More concretely, this analysis allows you to analyze:

  • Impressions on the different pages of your site
  • Clicks on the different pages of your site
  • The average CTR of your different pages

By default, data is displayed for the last three months, but you can go back a maximum of 16 months. To analyze page by page, you need to click on “New” and filter “Page.”

Each time your site is shown in search results, it counts as an “impression.” Once a user clicks on your site’s link to view your page, this counts as a “click.”

By analyzing your performance, you can draw different conclusions about the content of your meta description or your Title tag.

Attention, these statistics must be the subject of a detailed analysis of the SERP. Your click rate may be low because Google displays ads, photos, or even local results before natural results.

Nevertheless, it is still essential to look at the statistics relating to your site’s performance in the results of Google searches.

This lets you know how often your site is displayed, its average position in the results, and your click rate. This valuable information allows you to follow the evolution of your traffic over time and determine your Internet users’ origin. This data is valuable for your business’s sustainability and your site’s growth.

The Perfect Size for the Meta Description

Now let’s see what size to choose for writing your meta description.

The Size in Characters

Again, the rules set by Google tend to change over time.

In the past, the idea was not to exceed 160 characters. However, in 2017, Google decided to increase the size of this description, bringing it to a maximum of 300 characters.

Finally, in May 2018, Google chose to go back. Now the maximum allowed size is around 155 characters.

Meta descriptions that are too long have no impact on SEO. However, they are not ideal for the browsing comfort of Internet users and the click-through rate.

On the other hand, also avoid meta descriptions that are too short. Generally, Google does not use them and automatically replaces them with snippets. I, therefore, advise you to write a meta description of at least 120 characters.

The Size in Pixels

Finally, be aware that, to achieve the perfect size with your meta description on Google, you have to rely on another indicator than the number of characters. As with the Title tag, the most reliable indicator is pixels.

Indeed, the characters do not occupy the same space! For example, a “w” occupies more pixels than an “i.” Similarly, capital letters also take up more space.

So avoid writing an all-caps meta description. You could not place as many characters as expected, which may be perceived as aggressive for the Internet user.

For your tag to reach an ideal size, avoid exceeding 920 pixels. I also invite you to use an online simulator to know precisely the pixels of your tag, like the one I present in the article on the Title tag


In conclusion, the meta description tag is a fascinating element to work on your site. Its display in the SERPs makes it particularly visible to Internet users.

Even if it no longer influences positioning, the indirect impact of the CTR and the traffic generated on your pages should encourage you to make it simple, straightforward, and attractive to encourage Internet users to click!

Related Posts

Sharing is Caring

The meta description tag is one of the most popular in SEO. Although it is not directly taken into account to improve your SEO positioning, it can impact your visibility and boost your click-through rate. You would therefore be wrong to neglect it!

So how about gaining traffic to your pages by optimizing your meta description?

So let me give you some tips to work effectively on this beacon and get the most out of it!

What is the Meta Description Tag?

The meta description is an HTML tag at the top of the page code, generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of a particular page. It is usually located just below the SEO Title tag.

The meta description is represented in the source code by:

<meta name=”description” content=”Here is your description” />

In the SERPs (search results), it also appears under the URL and Title.

Meta description Tag Example

The latter can be placed wherever you want in the HTML header, as long as it is between the and tags.

The meta description is one of the most popular tags in SEO. In the past, its content was directly analyzed by search engine robots. It had a direct impact on your position in the search results.

Today, this functioning has evolved. The content of this tag is no longer considered in the ranking algorithms.

The purpose of the meta description is to offer a summary of the content of your pages to Internet users, to encourage them to click on the link and go to your page.

Must Read: Internal Links for SEO

A meta description must get right to the heart of the matter to be effective. It must be concise, descriptive, impactful, and unique for each page!

Meta Description and SEO

As you will have understood, the words used in your meta description are not considered by Google’s algorithms to improve your SEO.

However, writing your tag well can still have an impact on your visibility and your SEO. To better understand, here are some explanations.

No Direct Impact

It’s a widely proven fact: the meta description tag has no direct impact on SEO. Google states this directly on its official blog, as well as on all of its webmaster help pages:

google words about meta description

Google clearly states that the meta description can improve clicks but does not affect your ranking in search results.

For several years, developers have also looked into the subject:

  • In 2007, Raj Krishnan (developer for snippets at Google) asserted that “although meta description tags can improve the click rate, they do not affect the positioning of sites in search results.”
  • The same year, John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) also repeated that “using a meta description tag was optional and had no effect on your positioning.”
  • Two years later, in 2009, Matt Cutts (Head of Algo Spam Control at Google) added that even though Google sometimes used the meta description tag to generate the snippet, it still didn’t use it in its ranking algorithm.

There is, therefore, no doubt, and it is easily verifiable by tests: the presence of keywords in the meta description has no direct impact on Google visibility.

Indirect Impact?

But then, what is the point of tweaking its meta description in this case?

First, you will encourage users to click on your search result (CTR) by writing an attractive summary. Therefore, you will necessarily increase your traffic!

The click rate is potentially data taken into account by the Google algorithms.

A reasonable click-through rate sends a positive signal if the meta description does not affect rankings and search results! A good CTR means that your site is popular with Internet users. It is, therefore, potentially more relevant than others.

In this case, Google can consider this information, and the meta description still impacts your SEO!

Google Adapts your Meta Description

You have probably noticed that sometimes Google decides not to use the meta description you have entered. What a disappointment when you took such care in writing it!

This phenomenon is the result of the Google algorithm: the latter can assess whether your meta description is adapted to the request typed by Internet users. This is also specified in the Google article I shared with you, just slightly higher.

Sometimes Google thinks it’s better to create a snippet from phrases and excerpts from your site rather than displaying your meta description.

How to Optimize the Meta Description Tag?

Now that you know that the meta description is a strategic element of your site, let me give you some tips for writing it well and making it more effective.

Boost CTR

The main objective of your meta description is to attract as many Internet users as possible to your pages.

They must be curious to visit your site, and your meta description makes them want to click on your link. To do this, use an impactful and challenging style. In just two sentences, the Internet user must have the intimate conviction that he will find the answer to his request on your site.

To involve him directly in your speech, you can use formal formalities. Do not hesitate to include other marketing arguments in your meta description, such as “Free delivery,” “Satisfied or refunded guarantee,” etc.

These often have a strong impact on the click rate!

Present the Content of the Page

The description of your meta description should be the best possible summary of the content of your page.

More concretely, when the Internet user reads your description, he must understand the essence of what awaits him while arousing his curiosity. This means that your meta descriptions must all be unique.

Two pages on your site cannot have the same description. Forget generic texts and copy-paste!

Write Content Different from your Title

Your meta description should logically be different from your Title tag. Google will automatically create a snippet to replace it if it brings nothing more.

So please make an effort to reformulate your ideas while developing them more than in your Title. The meta description is an excellent solution to give the user more detailed explanations.

You can take the opportunity to work on your copywriting and try to create a compelling meta description.

Related Resource:

Analyze Click-through Rate with Search Console

Of course, like any element of your website, the effectiveness of your meta description must be checked and analyzed.

To do this, look at the search analysis report available in the Search Console tool. It gives valuable information about your site’s appearance on the Google results pages.

More concretely, this analysis allows you to analyze:

  • Impressions on the different pages of your site
  • Clicks on the different pages of your site
  • The average CTR of your different pages

By default, data is displayed for the last three months, but you can go back a maximum of 16 months. To analyze page by page, you need to click on “New” and filter “Page.”

Each time your site is shown in search results, it counts as an “impression.” Once a user clicks on your site’s link to view your page, this counts as a “click.”

By analyzing your performance, you can draw different conclusions about the content of your meta description or your Title tag.

Attention, these statistics must be the subject of a detailed analysis of the SERP. Your click rate may be low because Google displays ads, photos, or even local results before natural results.

Nevertheless, it is still essential to look at the statistics relating to your site’s performance in the results of Google searches.

This lets you know how often your site is displayed, its average position in the results, and your click rate. This valuable information allows you to follow the evolution of your traffic over time and determine your Internet users’ origin. This data is valuable for your business’s sustainability and your site’s growth.

The Perfect Size for the Meta Description

Now let’s see what size to choose for writing your meta description.

The Size in Characters

Again, the rules set by Google tend to change over time.

In the past, the idea was not to exceed 160 characters. However, in 2017, Google decided to increase the size of this description, bringing it to a maximum of 300 characters.

Finally, in May 2018, Google chose to go back. Now the maximum allowed size is around 155 characters.

Meta descriptions that are too long have no impact on SEO. However, they are not ideal for the browsing comfort of Internet users and the click-through rate.

On the other hand, also avoid meta descriptions that are too short. Generally, Google does not use them and automatically replaces them with snippets. I, therefore, advise you to write a meta description of at least 120 characters.

The Size in Pixels

Finally, be aware that, to achieve the perfect size with your meta description on Google, you have to rely on another indicator than the number of characters. As with the Title tag, the most reliable indicator is pixels.

Indeed, the characters do not occupy the same space! For example, a “w” occupies more pixels than an “i.” Similarly, capital letters also take up more space.

So avoid writing an all-caps meta description. You could not place as many characters as expected, which may be perceived as aggressive for the Internet user.

For your tag to reach an ideal size, avoid exceeding 920 pixels. I also invite you to use an online simulator to know precisely the pixels of your tag, like the one I present in the article on the Title tag


In conclusion, the meta description tag is a fascinating element to work on your site. Its display in the SERPs makes it particularly visible to Internet users.

Even if it no longer influences positioning, the indirect impact of the CTR and the traffic generated on your pages should encourage you to make it simple, straightforward, and attractive to encourage Internet users to click!

Related Posts

Sharing is Caring

The meta description tag is one of the most popular in SEO. Although it is not directly taken into account to improve your SEO positioning, it can impact your visibility and boost your click-through rate. You would therefore be wrong to neglect it!

So how about gaining traffic to your pages by optimizing your meta description?

So let me give you some tips to work effectively on this beacon and get the most out of it!

What is the Meta Description Tag?

The meta description is an HTML tag at the top of the page code, generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of a particular page. It is usually located just below the SEO Title tag.

The meta description is represented in the source code by:

<meta name=”description” content=”Here is your description” />

In the SERPs (search results), it also appears under the URL and Title.

Meta description Tag Example

The latter can be placed wherever you want in the HTML header, as long as it is between the and tags.

The meta description is one of the most popular tags in SEO. In the past, its content was directly analyzed by search engine robots. It had a direct impact on your position in the search results.

Today, this functioning has evolved. The content of this tag is no longer considered in the ranking algorithms.

The purpose of the meta description is to offer a summary of the content of your pages to Internet users, to encourage them to click on the link and go to your page.

Must Read: Internal Links for SEO

A meta description must get right to the heart of the matter to be effective. It must be concise, descriptive, impactful, and unique for each page!

Meta Description and SEO

As you will have understood, the words used in your meta description are not considered by Google’s algorithms to improve your SEO.

However, writing your tag well can still have an impact on your visibility and your SEO. To better understand, here are some explanations.

No Direct Impact

It’s a widely proven fact: the meta description tag has no direct impact on SEO. Google states this directly on its official blog, as well as on all of its webmaster help pages:

google words about meta description

Google clearly states that the meta description can improve clicks but does not affect your ranking in search results.

For several years, developers have also looked into the subject:

  • In 2007, Raj Krishnan (developer for snippets at Google) asserted that “although meta description tags can improve the click rate, they do not affect the positioning of sites in search results.”
  • The same year, John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) also repeated that “using a meta description tag was optional and had no effect on your positioning.”
  • Two years later, in 2009, Matt Cutts (Head of Algo Spam Control at Google) added that even though Google sometimes used the meta description tag to generate the snippet, it still didn’t use it in its ranking algorithm.

There is, therefore, no doubt, and it is easily verifiable by tests: the presence of keywords in the meta description has no direct impact on Google visibility.

Indirect Impact?

But then, what is the point of tweaking its meta description in this case?

First, you will encourage users to click on your search result (CTR) by writing an attractive summary. Therefore, you will necessarily increase your traffic!

The click rate is potentially data taken into account by the Google algorithms.

A reasonable click-through rate sends a positive signal if the meta description does not affect rankings and search results! A good CTR means that your site is popular with Internet users. It is, therefore, potentially more relevant than others.

In this case, Google can consider this information, and the meta description still impacts your SEO!

Google Adapts your Meta Description

You have probably noticed that sometimes Google decides not to use the meta description you have entered. What a disappointment when you took such care in writing it!

This phenomenon is the result of the Google algorithm: the latter can assess whether your meta description is adapted to the request typed by Internet users. This is also specified in the Google article I shared with you, just slightly higher.

Sometimes Google thinks it’s better to create a snippet from phrases and excerpts from your site rather than displaying your meta description.

How to Optimize the Meta Description Tag?

Now that you know that the meta description is a strategic element of your site, let me give you some tips for writing it well and making it more effective.

Boost CTR

The main objective of your meta description is to attract as many Internet users as possible to your pages.

They must be curious to visit your site, and your meta description makes them want to click on your link. To do this, use an impactful and challenging style. In just two sentences, the Internet user must have the intimate conviction that he will find the answer to his request on your site.

To involve him directly in your speech, you can use formal formalities. Do not hesitate to include other marketing arguments in your meta description, such as “Free delivery,” “Satisfied or refunded guarantee,” etc.

These often have a strong impact on the click rate!

Present the Content of the Page

The description of your meta description should be the best possible summary of the content of your page.

More concretely, when the Internet user reads your description, he must understand the essence of what awaits him while arousing his curiosity. This means that your meta descriptions must all be unique.

Two pages on your site cannot have the same description. Forget generic texts and copy-paste!

Write Content Different from your Title

Your meta description should logically be different from your Title tag. Google will automatically create a snippet to replace it if it brings nothing more.

So please make an effort to reformulate your ideas while developing them more than in your Title. The meta description is an excellent solution to give the user more detailed explanations.

You can take the opportunity to work on your copywriting and try to create a compelling meta description.

Related Resource:

Analyze Click-through Rate with Search Console

Of course, like any element of your website, the effectiveness of your meta description must be checked and analyzed.

To do this, look at the search analysis report available in the Search Console tool. It gives valuable information about your site’s appearance on the Google results pages.

More concretely, this analysis allows you to analyze:

  • Impressions on the different pages of your site
  • Clicks on the different pages of your site
  • The average CTR of your different pages

By default, data is displayed for the last three months, but you can go back a maximum of 16 months. To analyze page by page, you need to click on “New” and filter “Page.”

Each time your site is shown in search results, it counts as an “impression.” Once a user clicks on your site’s link to view your page, this counts as a “click.”

By analyzing your performance, you can draw different conclusions about the content of your meta description or your Title tag.

Attention, these statistics must be the subject of a detailed analysis of the SERP. Your click rate may be low because Google displays ads, photos, or even local results before natural results.

Nevertheless, it is still essential to look at the statistics relating to your site’s performance in the results of Google searches.

This lets you know how often your site is displayed, its average position in the results, and your click rate. This valuable information allows you to follow the evolution of your traffic over time and determine your Internet users’ origin. This data is valuable for your business’s sustainability and your site’s growth.

The Perfect Size for the Meta Description

Now let’s see what size to choose for writing your meta description.

The Size in Characters

Again, the rules set by Google tend to change over time.

In the past, the idea was not to exceed 160 characters. However, in 2017, Google decided to increase the size of this description, bringing it to a maximum of 300 characters.

Finally, in May 2018, Google chose to go back. Now the maximum allowed size is around 155 characters.

Meta descriptions that are too long have no impact on SEO. However, they are not ideal for the browsing comfort of Internet users and the click-through rate.

On the other hand, also avoid meta descriptions that are too short. Generally, Google does not use them and automatically replaces them with snippets. I, therefore, advise you to write a meta description of at least 120 characters.

The Size in Pixels

Finally, be aware that, to achieve the perfect size with your meta description on Google, you have to rely on another indicator than the number of characters. As with the Title tag, the most reliable indicator is pixels.

Indeed, the characters do not occupy the same space! For example, a “w” occupies more pixels than an “i.” Similarly, capital letters also take up more space.

So avoid writing an all-caps meta description. You could not place as many characters as expected, which may be perceived as aggressive for the Internet user.

For your tag to reach an ideal size, avoid exceeding 920 pixels. I also invite you to use an online simulator to know precisely the pixels of your tag, like the one I present in the article on the Title tag


In conclusion, the meta description tag is a fascinating element to work on your site. Its display in the SERPs makes it particularly visible to Internet users.

Even if it no longer influences positioning, the indirect impact of the CTR and the traffic generated on your pages should encourage you to make it simple, straightforward, and attractive to encourage Internet users to click!

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The meta description tag is one of the most popular in SEO. Although it is not directly taken into account to improve your SEO positioning, it can impact your visibility and boost your click-through rate. You would therefore be wrong to neglect it!

So how about gaining traffic to your pages by optimizing your meta description?

So let me give you some tips to work effectively on this beacon and get the most out of it!

What is the Meta Description Tag?

The meta description is an HTML tag at the top of the page code, generally informs and interests users with a short, relevant summary of a particular page. It is usually located just below the SEO Title tag.

The meta description is represented in the source code by:

<meta name=”description” content=”Here is your description” />

In the SERPs (search results), it also appears under the URL and Title.

Meta description Tag Example

The latter can be placed wherever you want in the HTML header, as long as it is between the and tags.

The meta description is one of the most popular tags in SEO. In the past, its content was directly analyzed by search engine robots. It had a direct impact on your position in the search results.

Today, this functioning has evolved. The content of this tag is no longer considered in the ranking algorithms.

The purpose of the meta description is to offer a summary of the content of your pages to Internet users, to encourage them to click on the link and go to your page.

Must Read: Internal Links for SEO

A meta description must get right to the heart of the matter to be effective. It must be concise, descriptive, impactful, and unique for each page!

Meta Description and SEO

As you will have understood, the words used in your meta description are not considered by Google’s algorithms to improve your SEO.

However, writing your tag well can still have an impact on your visibility and your SEO. To better understand, here are some explanations.

No Direct Impact

It’s a widely proven fact: the meta description tag has no direct impact on SEO. Google states this directly on its official blog, as well as on all of its webmaster help pages:

google words about meta description

Google clearly states that the meta description can improve clicks but does not affect your ranking in search results.

For several years, developers have also looked into the subject:

  • In 2007, Raj Krishnan (developer for snippets at Google) asserted that “although meta description tags can improve the click rate, they do not affect the positioning of sites in search results.”
  • The same year, John Mueller (webmaster trends analyst at Google) also repeated that “using a meta description tag was optional and had no effect on your positioning.”
  • Two years later, in 2009, Matt Cutts (Head of Algo Spam Control at Google) added that even though Google sometimes used the meta description tag to generate the snippet, it still didn’t use it in its ranking algorithm.

There is, therefore, no doubt, and it is easily verifiable by tests: the presence of keywords in the meta description has no direct impact on Google visibility.

Indirect Impact?

But then, what is the point of tweaking its meta description in this case?

First, you will encourage users to click on your search result (CTR) by writing an attractive summary. Therefore, you will necessarily increase your traffic!

The click rate is potentially data taken into account by the Google algorithms.

A reasonable click-through rate sends a positive signal if the meta description does not affect rankings and search results! A good CTR means that your site is popular with Internet users. It is, therefore, potentially more relevant than others.

In this case, Google can consider this information, and the meta description still impacts your SEO!

Google Adapts your Meta Description

You have probably noticed that sometimes Google decides not to use the meta description you have entered. What a disappointment when you took such care in writing it!

This phenomenon is the result of the Google algorithm: the latter can assess whether your meta description is adapted to the request typed by Internet users. This is also specified in the Google article I shared with you, just slightly higher.

Sometimes Google thinks it’s better to create a snippet from phrases and excerpts from your site rather than displaying your meta description.

How to Optimize the Meta Description Tag?

Now that you know that the meta description is a strategic element of your site, let me give you some tips for writing it well and making it more effective.

Boost CTR

The main objective of your meta description is to attract as many Internet users as possible to your pages.

They must be curious to visit your site, and your meta description makes them want to click on your link. To do this, use an impactful and challenging style. In just two sentences, the Internet user must have the intimate conviction that he will find the answer to his request on your site.

To involve him directly in your speech, you can use formal formalities. Do not hesitate to include other marketing arguments in your meta description, such as “Free delivery,” “Satisfied or refunded guarantee,” etc.

These often have a strong impact on the click rate!

Present the Content of the Page

The description of your meta description should be the best possible summary of the content of your page.

More concretely, when the Internet user reads your description, he must understand the essence of what awaits him while arousing his curiosity. This means that your meta descriptions must all be unique.

Two pages on your site cannot have the same description. Forget generic texts and copy-paste!

Write Content Different from your Title

Your meta description should logically be different from your Title tag. Google will automatically create a snippet to replace it if it brings nothing more.

So please make an effort to reformulate your ideas while developing them more than in your Title. The meta description is an excellent solution to give the user more detailed explanations.

You can take the opportunity to work on your copywriting and try to create a compelling meta description.

Related Resource:

Analyze Click-through Rate with Search Console

Of course, like any element of your website, the effectiveness of your meta description must be checked and analyzed.

To do this, look at the search analysis report available in the Search Console tool. It gives valuable information about your site’s appearance on the Google results pages.

More concretely, this analysis allows you to analyze:

  • Impressions on the different pages of your site
  • Clicks on the different pages of your site
  • The average CTR of your different pages

By default, data is displayed for the last three months, but you can go back a maximum of 16 months. To analyze page by page, you need to click on “New” and filter “Page.”

Each time your site is shown in search results, it counts as an “impression.” Once a user clicks on your site’s link to view your page, this counts as a “click.”

By analyzing your performance, you can draw different conclusions about the content of your meta description or your Title tag.

Attention, these statistics must be the subject of a detailed analysis of the SERP. Your click rate may be low because Google displays ads, photos, or even local results before natural results.

Nevertheless, it is still essential to look at the statistics relating to your site’s performance in the results of Google searches.

This lets you know how often your site is displayed, its average position in the results, and your click rate. This valuable information allows you to follow the evolution of your traffic over time and determine your Internet users’ origin. This data is valuable for your business’s sustainability and your site’s growth.

The Perfect Size for the Meta Description

Now let’s see what size to choose for writing your meta description.

The Size in Characters

Again, the rules set by Google tend to change over time.

In the past, the idea was not to exceed 160 characters. However, in 2017, Google decided to increase the size of this description, bringing it to a maximum of 300 characters.

Finally, in May 2018, Google chose to go back. Now the maximum allowed size is around 155 characters.

Meta descriptions that are too long have no impact on SEO. However, they are not ideal for the browsing comfort of Internet users and the click-through rate.

On the other hand, also avoid meta descriptions that are too short. Generally, Google does not use them and automatically replaces them with snippets. I, therefore, advise you to write a meta description of at least 120 characters.

The Size in Pixels

Finally, be aware that, to achieve the perfect size with your meta description on Google, you have to rely on another indicator than the number of characters. As with the Title tag, the most reliable indicator is pixels.

Indeed, the characters do not occupy the same space! For example, a “w” occupies more pixels than an “i.” Similarly, capital letters also take up more space.

So avoid writing an all-caps meta description. You could not place as many characters as expected, which may be perceived as aggressive for the Internet user.

For your tag to reach an ideal size, avoid exceeding 920 pixels. I also invite you to use an online simulator to know precisely the pixels of your tag, like the one I present in the article on the Title tag


In conclusion, the meta description tag is a fascinating element to work on your site. Its display in the SERPs makes it particularly visible to Internet users.

Even if it no longer influences positioning, the indirect impact of the CTR and the traffic generated on your pages should encourage you to make it simple, straightforward, and attractive to encourage Internet users to click!

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