Rome was not built in a day. Good organic traffic to the site is not either. From one-click purchases to social media likes, we live in a world accustomed to instant gratification.
“Waiting” isn’t a concept with too many fans – especially in the business world. So it’s no surprise you wanted to see results yesterday in improving organic web traffic.
While it is possible to see dramatic increases in a relatively short time, the truth is that maintaining a steady increase in traffic takes work. The trick: knowing what steps to take to get there.
These 13 tips from SEO Pros explain how to keep your traffic going.
Optimize your Website
When looking to increase organic traffic to your site, making sure you’re working with a fully optimized website is a great place to start.
Depending on your website’s platform, you can add a plugin such as Rankmath or Yoast that will provide you with optimization and readability tips when you upload or edit a web page or blog.
A sitemap will also keep things organized and help you rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
If that sounds like a lot to keep track of, you can always create a website checklist to ensure every page is optimized before hitting “publish.”
Make Sure Each Page has its Own Target Keyword
Pages on your site with the same target keyword will compete in search engine results, which is not a good look for your business.
Each page and blog post should have its own main target keyword (or set of keywords) when possible. This makes this page the go-to resource for the term on your site. You can use a program like SEMrush to determine whether or not you have duplicate keywords on your site’s pages.
If you do, don’t panic! You can group these pages. You can move that content to the top-performing page for pages with no related traffic or conversions. Then you can redirect the old URL to the new one-stop-shop page.
Of course, you can use similar keywords on your website and blog. But it’s a good idea not to have two pages that are too focused on one keyword. This can cause Google to ping the pages for duplicate content.
Take Advantage of Analytics
You have access to your site data — don’t forget to take advantage of it! Free platforms like Google Analytics will show you relevant organic metrics like bounce rate, traffic sources, and time on the page.
Once you see patterns in your traffic metrics, you can create an optimization plan accordingly. For example: Do you have a page with a high bounce rate? Read it over and ask yourself things like:
Focus on Quality rather than Quantity
Many sites are guilty of “keyword stuffing”. This black-hat SEO tactic involves repeatedly repeating the same keyword on a page. Not only does this content seem inauthentic, but Google knows what you’re doing — and they don’t like it.
Flooding your site with keywords will not bring you the organic traffic you want. It’s a better use of your time to focus on creating quality content that will lead to unique ranking improvements, such as content that meets EAT (Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness) standards.
Make Content Work for you
Landing pages should be minimalist and have a clear call to action (CTA). Too much text can prevent visitors from taking the next desired action.
That’s why moving some of your keywords and phrases into blogs is a good idea. These pages help improve your rankings without overwhelming each website visitor with too much information at once.
When creating content, link internally to your content and authoritative external websites. This can build partnership relationships and encourage others to provide you with quality backlinks that direct to your site, which is another way to increase your traffic.
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Have a Consistent Backlink Outreach Plan
Regarding backlinks, we know that Google appreciates these links (which point to your site from another authoritative site) when relevant. They show the algorithm that your website is credible.
Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to get them. You can, however, work smarter rather than harder and set up your site for easy backlinking if and when opportunities arise.
A platform like Ahrefs can show you which sites and pages link to your competitors but not to you. From there, you can plan your outreach strategy. Consider asking for backlinks in situations such as:
Focus on Building Relationships
As human beings, the need for community is at the heart of our concerns – and it is also crucial for businesses. While working in silos or with your small team can be easy, diversification can have many benefits, including site traffic.
Quoting an industry expert or having them guest blog on your site adds credibility while allowing your brand (and audience) to benefit from the person’s knowledge. Alternatively, posting your content on high-domain authority sites can potentially bring you traffic for years to come.
Become a Thought Leader
Depending on your industry’s saturation, you may have fierce competition in driving traffic. So it’s no surprise that sometimes you must go above and beyond to stand out.
You can start positioning your brand as a thought leader by:
Be Active on Social Media
An active social media presence is another useful way for businesses to publicize their products or offers. It’s also a great place to take part in industry conversations.
In addition to your website, many people will check a brand’s social media accounts to see how they perform. You can have the edge over less active competitors by posting consistently, whatever that means to you and your availability.
Check the hashtags for relevant industry conversations that could benefit from your insights. It should also be noted that different industries leverage social media differently. Additionally, different audience demographics gravitate to different platforms, like LinkedIn for more B2B brands and Instagram for e-commerce.
Explore Quora
In case you’re unfamiliar, Quora is a popular Q&A forum site. Users ask questions about everything under the sun, and others (ideal experts on the subject) respond with answers.
Quora is a great place to research questions related to your industry and provide insights about what makes you qualified to add an answer.
You can then link to your site; boom, you’ve just connected with someone (or a few people) who might not have known about your business otherwise.
Use the SERP to Inform New Content
A high-results page ranking can be huge for your business traffic. One way to improve your ranking is to go directly to the search engine.
Type in some common search engine questions related to your keywords and check out the “People Also Asked” SERP Feature section. What other common questions arise, and how can you answer them through your content?

Next, watch the featured snippets (a box of featured search results above Google’s organic results to provide a concise answer to a question posed).
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Check out the results: How is the featured content formatted? This information can help you approach future content ideas to make your business appear in these sections instead.
Examine Long-tail Terms
When it comes to key phrases, the more specific you can be, the less competition you’ll have to contend with.
Long tail keywords are usually three to four-word phrases on a specific topic rather than something more generic like “paid search”
They can help you rank for industry terms against your competition because you have more room to find a unique angle that hasn’t been fully explored yet. See the gaps, then figure out how best to fill them.
When you compare long-tail phrases built around specific keywords to keywords with the best search traffic, you’ll find that conversion rates with the former are generally higher.
Although these keywords may have a lower monthly search volume, they may have a higher probability of conversion.
Implement Secondary Keywords
Again, keyword stuffing is a no-no. At the same time, repeating your keyword helps Google and others understand what your page or piece of content is about.
This is where secondary keywords come in. These are similar keywords to the main one you are trying to rank for, with slightly modified wording. It also helps split your copy and make it more authentic.
An easy way to determine useful secondary keywords is to Google your primary keyword and then refer to the resulting list of related searches.
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