Sharing is Caring

SEO, in general, aims to effectively position a site in search engines. We often hear about content marketing, using the right keywords, user experience, and “backlinks” (external links).

However, there is another part of SEO that is happening under the hood, unbeknownst to most people! Technical SEO is the shadow worker that allows your site to be indexed and well understood by Google before even thinking about positioning it at the top of the results page.

Technical SEO Optimization is not “sexy”. We are talking here about rules to follow, analysis, research, algorithms, and mathematics. Taking the time to learn technical SEO skills and apply them to your website can give you a monumental advantage over the competition. In the world, we met several people whose positions, in agencies or in companies, consisted of 100%, building technical SEO strategy which helped us to deepen the subject. Now, what is technical SEO…really and why is technical SEO important?

Define Technical SEO

Mohsin Noman, A SEO researcher, dedicated much of his talk to finding this answer: what defines technical SEO? He posed the question to 300 of his peers on Twitter to help him find the ultimate truth.

The answers were very varied, but he managed to come up with a more concrete definition. The three most popular answers were: “Making a website indexable”, “The performance of a website” and “The architecture of the website”.

an imperfect art

Technical SEO is an imperfect art

Mohsin Noman also spoke about the unreliability and compatibility of some SEO data, emphasizing transparency. Since SEO metrics are not universally defined, different tools generate different performance indicators that are not necessarily interchangeable. This poses a problem when customers, companies, or workers in the field compare their data with each other.

Hopefully, over time, the tools will improve (and communicate) to find technical SEO issues and help to solve them more uniformly. Then, everyone will be a winner!

From all of these What do you need to do to make your site more uniform regarding technicality or which factors do you need to focus on and what are the technical SEO best practices? Here’s all you need to know:

The Loading Speed of a Site and its Influence

The loading speed of a site has a direct impact on the experience and conversion, but also indirectly on SEO. A slow site can prevent bots from crawling your site for as long as expected. However, a site must really have a major speed problem for this to hurt it. There is no need to go to the opposite extreme and want to obtain perfect speed scores for the different test solutions.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Speed Audit

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

A site with an average speed will not be impacted.

On the other hand, the improvement in performance will have a direct impact on the UX and the conversion rate, particularly in e-commerce.

There are many software programs to measure the performance of a site and obtain recommendations on the improvements to be made.

The Influence of Sitemap.xml

The influence of Sitemap with example
You can find more complex and detailed examples with full documentation at

A sitemap is a file in which you can list the contents of your site to indicate the organization of your site. Spiders like Googlebot read this file to crawl your site smarter.

Sitemaps tell them what you have on your sites so they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.

Google says sitemaps are useful for:

  • Your business name, address, phone number and URL.
  • The industry category your business falls in.
  • A detailed description of the company.
  • Working hours.
  • Up-to-date photos (ideally interior and exterior, if possible).
  • Comments.
  • Posts (such as special offers, upcoming events, new offers, latest blog posts, holiday information, etc.)

Check out Google’s full documentation for the sitemap.

How is a Site Indexed?

How is a site indexed (with image)

Google finds, analyzes, and suggests the results by performing 3 phases.

  • Crawling the site: bots crawl the internet, examining the code of each URL they find.
  • Indexing it: Storing and organizing the information found during the crawling process is called indexing. Once a URL is in the index, it can be displayed.
  • Propose it: provide the elements that will best respond to the searches of an Internet user by classifying them from the most relevant to the least relevant.

The Concept of Crawl Budget

The concept of crawl budget with example

Crawl budget is a term to describe the way engines decide how many URLs, and which ones, to crawl each time. It is basically the attention they give to a website.

Engines that do not have unlimited resources distribute their attention differently depending on the targets and their importance. So they need a way to prioritize their crawling effort. Assigning a crawl budget to each website helps them achieve this.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Crawl Status

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

You can intervene on your site so that the allocated resources are used in the best possible way:

  • Improve site speed.
  • Take care of the writing.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Work the internal mesh.
  • Reduce crawl errors (5XX and 4XX errors).
  • Only crawling the canonical pages.
  • Avoid chain redirects.

Handling 404 Errors

The typical trigger for a 404 error message is deleting or moving a page on the site to another URL. There are also other reasons why a 404 error message may appear.

Among these, need to focus on:

  • The URL has been removed or moved without changes.
  • It was poorly written during the creation or redesign process.
  • The address was entered incorrectly in the browser.
  • The server responsible for the site is not working or the connection is interrupted.
  • The requested domain name cannot be converted into an IP by the DNS system.
  • The one entered does not exist or no longer exists.

The Importance of the Robot.txt File

robot-txt file with example

Publishers use it to give instructions on their site to bots, this is called the bot exclusion protocol.

The robots.txt file is mainly used to specify which parts of your site should be crawled. It can specify different rules for different bots. They can ignore it.

This file is publicly available. You can attempt to ban unwanted bots by editing the .htaccess file associated with your site.

They are useful if you don’t want search engines to index:

  • Duplicate or broken pages on your site.
  • Internal search results.
  • Parts of your site or a whole.
  • Some files.
  • Login pages.

Here are the main rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers:

robots-txt rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers

Log Analysis

Server Log file analysis

The important thing for an SEO is to know precisely what GoogleBot is doing on your site. The main task of the spider, when they enter a site, is to browse a number of contents determined according to the exploration budget of the site. After the exploration, they save the data they have explored in a database.

Understanding the movements of bots on your site is important for improving the technical aspect of your site.

Log file analysis is the process of downloading log files from a server and analyzing them using an analysis tool.

It helps SEOs find essential issues that cannot be found any other way.

Log file data is useful because it allows us to understand how bots move and what specific data they store in their database.

Log analysis is mainly used to:

  • Know the number of visits.
  • Know the frequency of exploration.
  • Identify spider crawl errors.
  • Identify the most active pages.
  • Understand crawl budget usage.
  • Track Googlebot crawl dates.

301 and 302 Redirects

Redirections are often used in SEO for a multitude of different reasons depending on the uses and situations encountered (redesign, migration, change of domain name, deletion, etc.)

A 302 redirect lets crawlers know that a site or page has been temporarily modified. A 301 redirect sends the message of a permanent change.

You usually redirect for one of these reasons:

  • The URL is broken or it does not work.
  • She is no longer active.
  • You have a new page or a new site and you want to redirect visitors.
  • You are testing a new destination in terms of design or functionality.
  • Want to temporarily move your visitors to other pages.

Call Now to Our Expert For a Detailed Technical SEO Audit of Your Website

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

Related Posts

Sharing is Caring

SEO, in general, aims to effectively position a site in search engines. We often hear about content marketing, using the right keywords, user experience, and “backlinks” (external links).

However, there is another part of SEO that is happening under the hood, unbeknownst to most people! Technical SEO is the shadow worker that allows your site to be indexed and well understood by Google before even thinking about positioning it at the top of the results page.

Technical SEO Optimization is not “sexy”. We are talking here about rules to follow, analysis, research, algorithms, and mathematics. Taking the time to learn technical SEO skills and apply them to your website can give you a monumental advantage over the competition. In the world, we met several people whose positions, in agencies or in companies, consisted of 100%, building technical SEO strategy which helped us to deepen the subject. Now, what is technical SEO…really and why is technical SEO important?

Define Technical SEO

Mohsin Noman, A SEO researcher, dedicated much of his talk to finding this answer: what defines technical SEO? He posed the question to 300 of his peers on Twitter to help him find the ultimate truth.

The answers were very varied, but he managed to come up with a more concrete definition. The three most popular answers were: “Making a website indexable”, “The performance of a website” and “The architecture of the website”.

an imperfect art

Technical SEO is an imperfect art

Mohsin Noman also spoke about the unreliability and compatibility of some SEO data, emphasizing transparency. Since SEO metrics are not universally defined, different tools generate different performance indicators that are not necessarily interchangeable. This poses a problem when customers, companies, or workers in the field compare their data with each other.

Hopefully, over time, the tools will improve (and communicate) to find technical SEO issues and help to solve them more uniformly. Then, everyone will be a winner!

From all of these What do you need to do to make your site more uniform regarding technicality or which factors do you need to focus on and what are the technical SEO best practices? Here’s all you need to know:

The Loading Speed of a Site and its Influence

The loading speed of a site has a direct impact on the experience and conversion, but also indirectly on SEO. A slow site can prevent bots from crawling your site for as long as expected. However, a site must really have a major speed problem for this to hurt it. There is no need to go to the opposite extreme and want to obtain perfect speed scores for the different test solutions.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Speed Audit

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

A site with an average speed will not be impacted.

On the other hand, the improvement in performance will have a direct impact on the UX and the conversion rate, particularly in e-commerce.

There are many software programs to measure the performance of a site and obtain recommendations on the improvements to be made.

The Influence of Sitemap.xml

The influence of Sitemap with example
You can find more complex and detailed examples with full documentation at

A sitemap is a file in which you can list the contents of your site to indicate the organization of your site. Spiders like Googlebot read this file to crawl your site smarter.

Sitemaps tell them what you have on your sites so they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.

Google says sitemaps are useful for:

  • Your business name, address, phone number and URL.
  • The industry category your business falls in.
  • A detailed description of the company.
  • Working hours.
  • Up-to-date photos (ideally interior and exterior, if possible).
  • Comments.
  • Posts (such as special offers, upcoming events, new offers, latest blog posts, holiday information, etc.)

Check out Google’s full documentation for the sitemap.

How is a Site Indexed?

How is a site indexed (with image)

Google finds, analyzes, and suggests the results by performing 3 phases.

  • Crawling the site: bots crawl the internet, examining the code of each URL they find.
  • Indexing it: Storing and organizing the information found during the crawling process is called indexing. Once a URL is in the index, it can be displayed.
  • Propose it: provide the elements that will best respond to the searches of an Internet user by classifying them from the most relevant to the least relevant.

The Concept of Crawl Budget

The concept of crawl budget with example

Crawl budget is a term to describe the way engines decide how many URLs, and which ones, to crawl each time. It is basically the attention they give to a website.

Engines that do not have unlimited resources distribute their attention differently depending on the targets and their importance. So they need a way to prioritize their crawling effort. Assigning a crawl budget to each website helps them achieve this.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Crawl Status

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

You can intervene on your site so that the allocated resources are used in the best possible way:

  • Improve site speed.
  • Take care of the writing.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Work the internal mesh.
  • Reduce crawl errors (5XX and 4XX errors).
  • Only crawling the canonical pages.
  • Avoid chain redirects.

Handling 404 Errors

The typical trigger for a 404 error message is deleting or moving a page on the site to another URL. There are also other reasons why a 404 error message may appear.

Among these, need to focus on:

  • The URL has been removed or moved without changes.
  • It was poorly written during the creation or redesign process.
  • The address was entered incorrectly in the browser.
  • The server responsible for the site is not working or the connection is interrupted.
  • The requested domain name cannot be converted into an IP by the DNS system.
  • The one entered does not exist or no longer exists.

The Importance of the Robot.txt File

robot-txt file with example

Publishers use it to give instructions on their site to bots, this is called the bot exclusion protocol.

The robots.txt file is mainly used to specify which parts of your site should be crawled. It can specify different rules for different bots. They can ignore it.

This file is publicly available. You can attempt to ban unwanted bots by editing the .htaccess file associated with your site.

They are useful if you don’t want search engines to index:

  • Duplicate or broken pages on your site.
  • Internal search results.
  • Parts of your site or a whole.
  • Some files.
  • Login pages.

Here are the main rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers:

robots-txt rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers

Log Analysis

Server Log file analysis

The important thing for an SEO is to know precisely what GoogleBot is doing on your site. The main task of the spider, when they enter a site, is to browse a number of contents determined according to the exploration budget of the site. After the exploration, they save the data they have explored in a database.

Understanding the movements of bots on your site is important for improving the technical aspect of your site.

Log file analysis is the process of downloading log files from a server and analyzing them using an analysis tool.

It helps SEOs find essential issues that cannot be found any other way.

Log file data is useful because it allows us to understand how bots move and what specific data they store in their database.

Log analysis is mainly used to:

  • Know the number of visits.
  • Know the frequency of exploration.
  • Identify spider crawl errors.
  • Identify the most active pages.
  • Understand crawl budget usage.
  • Track Googlebot crawl dates.

301 and 302 Redirects

Redirections are often used in SEO for a multitude of different reasons depending on the uses and situations encountered (redesign, migration, change of domain name, deletion, etc.)

A 302 redirect lets crawlers know that a site or page has been temporarily modified. A 301 redirect sends the message of a permanent change.

You usually redirect for one of these reasons:

  • The URL is broken or it does not work.
  • She is no longer active.
  • You have a new page or a new site and you want to redirect visitors.
  • You are testing a new destination in terms of design or functionality.
  • Want to temporarily move your visitors to other pages.

Call Now to Our Expert For a Detailed Technical SEO Audit of Your Website

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

Related Posts

Sharing is Caring

SEO, in general, aims to effectively position a site in search engines. We often hear about content marketing, using the right keywords, user experience, and “backlinks” (external links).

However, there is another part of SEO that is happening under the hood, unbeknownst to most people! Technical SEO is the shadow worker that allows your site to be indexed and well understood by Google before even thinking about positioning it at the top of the results page.

Technical SEO Optimization is not “sexy”. We are talking here about rules to follow, analysis, research, algorithms, and mathematics. Taking the time to learn technical SEO skills and apply them to your website can give you a monumental advantage over the competition. In the world, we met several people whose positions, in agencies or in companies, consisted of 100%, building technical SEO strategy which helped us to deepen the subject. Now, what is technical SEO…really and why is technical SEO important?

Define Technical SEO

Mohsin Noman, A SEO researcher, dedicated much of his talk to finding this answer: what defines technical SEO? He posed the question to 300 of his peers on Twitter to help him find the ultimate truth.

The answers were very varied, but he managed to come up with a more concrete definition. The three most popular answers were: “Making a website indexable”, “The performance of a website” and “The architecture of the website”.

an imperfect art

Technical SEO is an imperfect art

Mohsin Noman also spoke about the unreliability and compatibility of some SEO data, emphasizing transparency. Since SEO metrics are not universally defined, different tools generate different performance indicators that are not necessarily interchangeable. This poses a problem when customers, companies, or workers in the field compare their data with each other.

Hopefully, over time, the tools will improve (and communicate) to find technical SEO issues and help to solve them more uniformly. Then, everyone will be a winner!

From all of these What do you need to do to make your site more uniform regarding technicality or which factors do you need to focus on and what are the technical SEO best practices? Here’s all you need to know:

The Loading Speed of a Site and its Influence

The loading speed of a site has a direct impact on the experience and conversion, but also indirectly on SEO. A slow site can prevent bots from crawling your site for as long as expected. However, a site must really have a major speed problem for this to hurt it. There is no need to go to the opposite extreme and want to obtain perfect speed scores for the different test solutions.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Speed Audit

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

A site with an average speed will not be impacted.

On the other hand, the improvement in performance will have a direct impact on the UX and the conversion rate, particularly in e-commerce.

There are many software programs to measure the performance of a site and obtain recommendations on the improvements to be made.

The Influence of Sitemap.xml

The influence of Sitemap with example
You can find more complex and detailed examples with full documentation at

A sitemap is a file in which you can list the contents of your site to indicate the organization of your site. Spiders like Googlebot read this file to crawl your site smarter.

Sitemaps tell them what you have on your sites so they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.

Google says sitemaps are useful for:

  • Your business name, address, phone number and URL.
  • The industry category your business falls in.
  • A detailed description of the company.
  • Working hours.
  • Up-to-date photos (ideally interior and exterior, if possible).
  • Comments.
  • Posts (such as special offers, upcoming events, new offers, latest blog posts, holiday information, etc.)

Check out Google’s full documentation for the sitemap.

How is a Site Indexed?

How is a site indexed (with image)

Google finds, analyzes, and suggests the results by performing 3 phases.

  • Crawling the site: bots crawl the internet, examining the code of each URL they find.
  • Indexing it: Storing and organizing the information found during the crawling process is called indexing. Once a URL is in the index, it can be displayed.
  • Propose it: provide the elements that will best respond to the searches of an Internet user by classifying them from the most relevant to the least relevant.

The Concept of Crawl Budget

The concept of crawl budget with example

Crawl budget is a term to describe the way engines decide how many URLs, and which ones, to crawl each time. It is basically the attention they give to a website.

Engines that do not have unlimited resources distribute their attention differently depending on the targets and their importance. So they need a way to prioritize their crawling effort. Assigning a crawl budget to each website helps them achieve this.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Crawl Status

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

You can intervene on your site so that the allocated resources are used in the best possible way:

  • Improve site speed.
  • Take care of the writing.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Work the internal mesh.
  • Reduce crawl errors (5XX and 4XX errors).
  • Only crawling the canonical pages.
  • Avoid chain redirects.

Handling 404 Errors

The typical trigger for a 404 error message is deleting or moving a page on the site to another URL. There are also other reasons why a 404 error message may appear.

Among these, need to focus on:

  • The URL has been removed or moved without changes.
  • It was poorly written during the creation or redesign process.
  • The address was entered incorrectly in the browser.
  • The server responsible for the site is not working or the connection is interrupted.
  • The requested domain name cannot be converted into an IP by the DNS system.
  • The one entered does not exist or no longer exists.

The Importance of the Robot.txt File

robot-txt file with example

Publishers use it to give instructions on their site to bots, this is called the bot exclusion protocol.

The robots.txt file is mainly used to specify which parts of your site should be crawled. It can specify different rules for different bots. They can ignore it.

This file is publicly available. You can attempt to ban unwanted bots by editing the .htaccess file associated with your site.

They are useful if you don’t want search engines to index:

  • Duplicate or broken pages on your site.
  • Internal search results.
  • Parts of your site or a whole.
  • Some files.
  • Login pages.

Here are the main rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers:

robots-txt rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers

Log Analysis

Server Log file analysis

The important thing for an SEO is to know precisely what GoogleBot is doing on your site. The main task of the spider, when they enter a site, is to browse a number of contents determined according to the exploration budget of the site. After the exploration, they save the data they have explored in a database.

Understanding the movements of bots on your site is important for improving the technical aspect of your site.

Log file analysis is the process of downloading log files from a server and analyzing them using an analysis tool.

It helps SEOs find essential issues that cannot be found any other way.

Log file data is useful because it allows us to understand how bots move and what specific data they store in their database.

Log analysis is mainly used to:

  • Know the number of visits.
  • Know the frequency of exploration.
  • Identify spider crawl errors.
  • Identify the most active pages.
  • Understand crawl budget usage.
  • Track Googlebot crawl dates.

301 and 302 Redirects

Redirections are often used in SEO for a multitude of different reasons depending on the uses and situations encountered (redesign, migration, change of domain name, deletion, etc.)

A 302 redirect lets crawlers know that a site or page has been temporarily modified. A 301 redirect sends the message of a permanent change.

You usually redirect for one of these reasons:

  • The URL is broken or it does not work.
  • She is no longer active.
  • You have a new page or a new site and you want to redirect visitors.
  • You are testing a new destination in terms of design or functionality.
  • Want to temporarily move your visitors to other pages.

Call Now to Our Expert For a Detailed Technical SEO Audit of Your Website

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

Related Posts

Sharing is Caring

SEO, in general, aims to effectively position a site in search engines. We often hear about content marketing, using the right keywords, user experience, and “backlinks” (external links).

However, there is another part of SEO that is happening under the hood, unbeknownst to most people! Technical SEO is the shadow worker that allows your site to be indexed and well understood by Google before even thinking about positioning it at the top of the results page.

Technical SEO Optimization is not “sexy”. We are talking here about rules to follow, analysis, research, algorithms, and mathematics. Taking the time to learn technical SEO skills and apply them to your website can give you a monumental advantage over the competition. In the world, we met several people whose positions, in agencies or in companies, consisted of 100%, building technical SEO strategy which helped us to deepen the subject. Now, what is technical SEO…really and why is technical SEO important?

Define Technical SEO

Mohsin Noman, A SEO researcher, dedicated much of his talk to finding this answer: what defines technical SEO? He posed the question to 300 of his peers on Twitter to help him find the ultimate truth.

The answers were very varied, but he managed to come up with a more concrete definition. The three most popular answers were: “Making a website indexable”, “The performance of a website” and “The architecture of the website”.

an imperfect art

Technical SEO is an imperfect art

Mohsin Noman also spoke about the unreliability and compatibility of some SEO data, emphasizing transparency. Since SEO metrics are not universally defined, different tools generate different performance indicators that are not necessarily interchangeable. This poses a problem when customers, companies, or workers in the field compare their data with each other.

Hopefully, over time, the tools will improve (and communicate) to find technical SEO issues and help to solve them more uniformly. Then, everyone will be a winner!

From all of these What do you need to do to make your site more uniform regarding technicality or which factors do you need to focus on and what are the technical SEO best practices? Here’s all you need to know:

The Loading Speed of a Site and its Influence

The loading speed of a site has a direct impact on the experience and conversion, but also indirectly on SEO. A slow site can prevent bots from crawling your site for as long as expected. However, a site must really have a major speed problem for this to hurt it. There is no need to go to the opposite extreme and want to obtain perfect speed scores for the different test solutions.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Speed Audit

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

A site with an average speed will not be impacted.

On the other hand, the improvement in performance will have a direct impact on the UX and the conversion rate, particularly in e-commerce.

There are many software programs to measure the performance of a site and obtain recommendations on the improvements to be made.

The Influence of Sitemap.xml

The influence of Sitemap with example
You can find more complex and detailed examples with full documentation at

A sitemap is a file in which you can list the contents of your site to indicate the organization of your site. Spiders like Googlebot read this file to crawl your site smarter.

Sitemaps tell them what you have on your sites so they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.

Google says sitemaps are useful for:

  • Your business name, address, phone number and URL.
  • The industry category your business falls in.
  • A detailed description of the company.
  • Working hours.
  • Up-to-date photos (ideally interior and exterior, if possible).
  • Comments.
  • Posts (such as special offers, upcoming events, new offers, latest blog posts, holiday information, etc.)

Check out Google’s full documentation for the sitemap.

How is a Site Indexed?

How is a site indexed (with image)

Google finds, analyzes, and suggests the results by performing 3 phases.

  • Crawling the site: bots crawl the internet, examining the code of each URL they find.
  • Indexing it: Storing and organizing the information found during the crawling process is called indexing. Once a URL is in the index, it can be displayed.
  • Propose it: provide the elements that will best respond to the searches of an Internet user by classifying them from the most relevant to the least relevant.

The Concept of Crawl Budget

The concept of crawl budget with example

Crawl budget is a term to describe the way engines decide how many URLs, and which ones, to crawl each time. It is basically the attention they give to a website.

Engines that do not have unlimited resources distribute their attention differently depending on the targets and their importance. So they need a way to prioritize their crawling effort. Assigning a crawl budget to each website helps them achieve this.

Call Now to Our Expert For Your Website Crawl Status

We cover more than 239 audit pointers for your website, It only takes one click to know the current issues of your site.

You can intervene on your site so that the allocated resources are used in the best possible way:

  • Improve site speed.
  • Take care of the writing.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Work the internal mesh.
  • Reduce crawl errors (5XX and 4XX errors).
  • Only crawling the canonical pages.
  • Avoid chain redirects.

Handling 404 Errors

The typical trigger for a 404 error message is deleting or moving a page on the site to another URL. There are also other reasons why a 404 error message may appear.

Among these, need to focus on:

  • The URL has been removed or moved without changes.
  • It was poorly written during the creation or redesign process.
  • The address was entered incorrectly in the browser.
  • The server responsible for the site is not working or the connection is interrupted.
  • The requested domain name cannot be converted into an IP by the DNS system.
  • The one entered does not exist or no longer exists.

The Importance of the Robot.txt File

robot-txt file with example

Publishers use it to give instructions on their site to bots, this is called the bot exclusion protocol.

The robots.txt file is mainly used to specify which parts of your site should be crawled. It can specify different rules for different bots. They can ignore it.

This file is publicly available. You can attempt to ban unwanted bots by editing the .htaccess file associated with your site.

They are useful if you don’t want search engines to index:

  • Duplicate or broken pages on your site.
  • Internal search results.
  • Parts of your site or a whole.
  • Some files.
  • Login pages.

Here are the main rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers:

robots-txt rules for allowing or disallowing crawlers

Log Analysis

Server Log file analysis

The important thing for an SEO is to know precisely what GoogleBot is doing on your site. The main task of the spider, when they enter a site, is to browse a number of contents determined according to the exploration budget of the site. After the exploration, they save the data they have explored in a database.

Understanding the movements of bots on your site is important for improving the technical aspect of your site.

Log file analysis is the process of downloading log files from a server and analyzing them using an analysis tool.

It helps SEOs find essential issues that cannot be found any other way.

Log file data is useful because it allows us to understand how bots move and what specific data they store in their database.

Log analysis is mainly used to:

  • Know the number of visits.
  • Know the frequency of exploration.
  • Identify spider crawl errors.
  • Identify the most active pages.
  • Understand crawl budget usage.
  • Track Googlebot crawl dates.

301 and 302 Redirects

Redirections are often used in SEO for a multitude of different reasons depending on the uses and situations encountered (redesign, migration, change of domain name, deletion, etc.)

A 302 redirect lets crawlers know that a site or page has been temporarily modified. A 301 redirect sends the message of a permanent change.

You usually redirect for one of these reasons:

  • The URL is broken or it does not work.
  • She is no longer active.
  • You have a new page or a new site and you want to redirect visitors.
  • You are testing a new destination in terms of design or functionality.
  • Want to temporarily move your visitors to other pages.

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